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Establishing A Strong Advance Health Care Directive

An advance health care directive is a legal document that outlines your preferences for medical treatment in situations where you may be unable to communicate your wishes. This estate planning element outlines your medical wishes and provides medical professionals and loved ones with detailed instructions about what you would like done in various medical situations, including end-of-life care, organ donation and more. Having an advance health care directive can be an essential part of your estate plan, and a skilled estate planning attorney can help you create one.

At C.J. Hilliard Law, P.A., we emphasize the importance of proactive estate planning to safeguard your wishes and provide peace of mind. We are dedicated to serving the Winter Garden community through all of their estate planning needs. Our estate planning lawyer is here to lead you through every step of creating an advance health care directive that is clearly articulated and legally documented.

A Living Will Versus A Health Care Surrogate

When considering advance health care directives, it is essential to understand the difference between a living will and a health care surrogate designation. A living will is a written document that dictates your wishes regarding medical treatments, such as how long you want to remain on life support or if you would normally consent to a certain procedure, including end-of-life care.

In contrast, a health care surrogate designation, sometimes referred to as a health care proxy or medical power of attorney, designates someone with the responsibility of making your health care decisions if you are not able to. This person can make decisions for you in real-time, which can be useful in situations that you did not consider. Both of these documents can lead to a comprehensive estate plan that you can depend on.

What Happens Without An Advance Directive

Without an advance health care directive, your medical care decisions may be left to family members or determined by health care providers, potentially leading to conflicts or decisions that do not align with your wishes. Without the support of a health care proxy or medical power of attorney, a court may appoint someone else to make decisions on your behalf that may not align with your preferences.

Take Action Today To Protect Your Future

Having an advance health care directive in place ensures that your medical preferences are honored and provides clarity and direction to your family and health care providers. If you are ready to meet with a skilled and committed Florida estate planning attorney, call us at 407-255-7607 or email us here to schedule your initial consultation today.