Winter Garden Paternity And Parental Rights Attorney
At C.J. Hilliard Law, P.A., our comprehensive family law practice includes assisting clients with paternity issues. Our paternity lawyer represents clients (both men and women) seeking to establish paternity as well as those who wish to dispute claims of paternity they believe to be false. From an office in Winter Garden, our firm serves clients throughout the Orlando metro area.
Establishing Paternity Is Key To Gaining Legal Rights
It is becoming increasingly common for Florida couples to have children together without ever getting married. Unfortunately, if that couple ever decides to part ways, this type of arrangement can create issues or at least uncertainty regarding the legal rights of the father.
A biological father who is married to the mother at the time of birth is automatically considered the legal father as well. If unmarried, however, paternity will need to be established before the father can seek full parental rights. This can be done with a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity (signed by both parents) or through DNA testing and a paternity action in court.
The Benefits Of Establishing Paternity
While two parents may no longer wish to be in each other’s lives, establishing paternity can be beneficial for all involved. For men seeking legal fatherhood, establishing paternity is often the first step in gaining child custody rights. It may also lead to child support obligations, which is beneficial for mothers who might otherwise be struggling financially.
Establishing legal paternity also confers numerous benefits on children, including:
- The possibility of a relationship with both parents
- Financial support from both parents
- The right to inherit from the father’s estate, including the father’s veterans and death benefits
- Access to the father’s health history
- Eligibility for coverage on the father’s medical insurance policy
Thankfully, paternity testing is now faster, easier and more accurate than ever before. But tests alone are usually not enough from a legal standpoint. It is wise for any interested party in a paternity dispute to work with an experienced and tenacious paternity lawyer like Claire J. Hilliard. She offers each client a wealth of family law knowledge and experience, as well as personalized attention and advocacy.
Reach Out Today To Learn More
At C.J. Hilliard Law, P.A., we understand that legal issues surrounding paternity can be complex, and our attorney is ready to help you find a workable resolution. To schedule your initial consultation, call our office in Winter Garden, Florida, at 407-255-7607. You can also submit an online contact form.